it's happening...

verizon wireless workshop

// graphic design, online tutorial

verizon value add - overview

Verizon contracted our team at Modea to design and develop Wireless Workshops, an in-store learning experience to help customers do more with their devices.

Utilizing Verizon brand guidelines, font, colors, and images I created the Verizon Value tutorial. This responsive experience is lead by Verizon Customer Specialists, from any device, while being simultaneously mirrored to screen for the customer’s convenience. The guided tutorial allows for a flexible and focused learning experience.

tools and services //

Custom Framework to Display

grid your loins

In order to keep consistency across the Verizon Value tutorial I began by creating a grid that I used to structure components throughout the experience. The grid was partially based on previous workshops, created in-house, for lifestyle, devices, and operating system tutorials.

After setting up a structure I sourced images, iconography, and copy to begin the design process. To optimize the experience I started asking questions. What might this learning experience look like? How best can collected content be used to tell a story?

I settled on a few simple distinctions that would push the story of the Verizon Value:

--large, beautiful photos that told a story visually
--an iconography system that could help lead the narrative